Sports Window

Calculation of Calorie Demand based on Android App

Rabu, 21 Maret 2018

Calculation of Calorie Demand based on Android App

Calculation of Calorie Requirements based on Android App. The discussion of this article will review the calculation of calorie of athlete and non-athlete demand based on android applications. How to calculate the needs of calories has been revealed by many nutrition experts in some of his books. How to calculate still use the count manually. At this time has been increasingly rapid technological developments in all areas, including on mobile phone technology that most have been using the new operating system. The operating system on the mobile phone such as Android.

Android technology can be used as an approach to support various aspects at this time as well as how to calculate the needs of calories. Still using manual calorie counting, it is risky for the error rate. Therefore, approach to technology should be done.

Calculation of athlete and non-athlete-based calorie needs has been developed by an android application developer named hicaltech87 which can be searched in play store.

Calculating the caloric requirement requires users to fill in the name, age, weight (kg), gender, type of daily activity, type of training, type of exercise, are also required to enter the frequency of training and exercise and the duration of doing so.

On the result or output menu on android application calculation of caloric needs will be known BMI, BMR, SDA, Energy daily activity, Energy training per week and per day, exercise energy per week and per day. Inside this App is also given tutorial usage of the application.

Here are some screenshots android application calculation of calorie demand:
- Main Page
Calculation of Calorie Demand based on Android App
Calculation of Calorie Demand based on Android App
- Menu Page
Calculation of Calorie Demand based on Android App
- Calculation Page
Calculation of Calorie Demand based on Android App
Calculation of Calorie Demand based on Android App

Calculating the caloric needs of athletes and non-athletes based on this android app can already be downloaded in play store by clicking the download link => DOWNLOAD

That's an article about Calculation of Calorie Demand based on Android App. Hopefully, this article can be useful for the readers. Do not forget to see other interesting articles on this website. Thanks.