30 Meter Acceleration Test. The aim of this test is to measure the development of the athlete's ability to effectively and efficiently accelerate from a standing start or from starting blocks to maximum speed.
Required Tools
To do this test require:
• 400m track – with a 30m marked section on the straight
• Stopwatch
• Assistant.
How to do the test
The test comprises of 3 x 30m runs from a standing start or from starting blocks and with a full recovery between each run. The assistant should record the time for the athlete to complete the 30m.
Analysis of the result is by comparing it with the results of previous tests. It is expected that, with appropriate training between each test, the analysis would indicate an improvement.
Normative data for the 30 meter test
The following are national norms for 16 to 19 year olds.
Table reference: Davis B. et al; Physical Education and the Study of Sport; 2000Target group
This test is suitable for sprinters but not for individuals where the test would be contraindicated.
Reliability would depend upon how strict the test is conducted and the individual's level of motivation to perform the test.
There are published tables to relate results to potential level of fitness and the correlation is high.
Reference: Brian Mackenzie, 2005. 101 Performance Evaluation Test