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The Wingate Anaerobic 30 Cycle Test (WANT)

Selasa, 20 Februari 2018

The Wingate Anaerobic 30 Cycle Test (WANT)

This article explain about how to conduct the The Wingate Anaerobic 30 Cycle Test. The Wingate anaerobic 30 cycle test (WANT) was developed during the 1970s at the Wingate institute in Israel. The WANT has been the most popular anaerobic test to date but as a cycle ergometer test it is more specific to cycle based sports. The most commonly used test length has been thirty seconds. This is a time period for maximal efforts where the major fuel source is anaerobic.

The test is used to determine peak anaerobic power and anaerobic capacity. Anaerobic power is the ability to produce energy by the ATP-PC energy pathway. Anaerobic capacity is the combined ability of both anaerobic pathways to produce energy and so is shown as the average power output during the test

How to conduct the test
The testing device is a mechanically-braked bicycle ergometer. After a 10 minute warm up the athlete begins pedalling as fast as possible without any resistance. Within 3 seconds, a fixed resistance is applied to the flywheel and the athlete continues to pedal "all out" for 30 seconds. An electrical or mechanical counter continuously records flywheel revolutions in 5 second intervals.

Flywheel resistance equals 0.075 kg per kg body mass. For a 70 kg person, the flywheel resistance would equal 5.25 kg (70 kg x 0.075). Resistance often increases to 1.0 kg x body mass or higher (up to 1.3 kg) when testing power and sprint athletes.

Analysis of the result is by comparing it with the result of previous tests. It is expected that, with appropriate training between each test, the analysis would indicate an improvement.

Peak Power Output (PP)
The highest power output, observed during the first 5 sec of exercise, indicates the energy generating capacity of the immediate energy system (intramuscular high energy phosphates ATP and PC). PP is calculated as follows:
• PP = Force x Distance (number of revolutions x distance per revolution) / Time in minutes (5 seconds = 0.0833 minutes).

Percentile norms for Peak Power for active young adults are:
The Wingate Anaerobic 30 Cycle Test
Maud, P.J., and Schultz B.B: 1989

Relative Peak Power Output (RPP)
Peak power output relative to body mass is calculated as follows:
• RPP = PP / Body mass (kg).

Percentile norms for Relative Peak Power for active young adults are:
The Wingate Anaerobic 30 Cycle Test for young adults
Maud, P.J., and Schultz B.B: 1989

Anaerobic Fatigue (AF)
AF represents the systems total capacity to produce ATP via the immediate and short-term energy systems. AF provides percentage decline in power output and is calculated as follows:
• AF = Highest 5 sec PP – Lowest 5 sec PP / Highest 5 sec PP x 100.

Anaerobic Capacity (AC)
Total work accomplished in 30 seconds. AC is calculated as follows:
• AC = Sum of each 5 sec PP or
• AC = Force x Total distance in 30 seconds.

Target group
This test is suitable for sprint cyclists and sprinters but not for individuals where the test would be contraindicated.

Reliability would depend upon how strict the test is conducted and the individual's level of motivation to perform the test.

Assessment of anaerobic performance can provide the coach with valuable information about the athlete's fitness status as well as allowing them to monitor progress through training. The test scores can reliably determine peak anaerobic power, anaerobic fatigue, and total anaerobic capacity.

Reference: Brian Mackenzie, 2005. 101 Performance Evaluation Test