Understanding The Weight Training Basics Concept. Much of the lore surrounding weight training is based on modern principles from bodybuilding; early weight training dates back thousands of years, when humans were not only performing feats of strength but also training for them. However, it is only in the last two decades that we have come to realize that weight training can promote health and well-being. Because of its long and varied history, if you try to search for a single definition of weight training, you will find many. If you try to search for a single philosophy of weight training, you will find many. And if you try to search for a single program that can match your needs, well, good luck, because you will find thousands!
Additionally, a number of common myths surround weight training, including that it is dangerous, reduces flexibility, and can stunt growth. However, research has proven time and again not only that those statements are false but also that the opposite may be true. In fact, weight training is one of the safest forms of physical activity, having a much lower injury rate than other common recreational activities like basketball, tennis, golf, or running. As long as you follow some simple guidelines, your weight training experience can be injury free.

Moreover, weight training can help prevent injuries that can be caused by other sports and activities. Whether you are playing a sport or walking on an icy street, injuries can occur at any time. Stronger bones, muscles, joints, and connective tissue will make you more resistant to the acute injuries that occur during falls or during collisions with opponents, but the real benefits of weight training come in the prevention of the chronic shoulder, knee, and back pain that can make everyday life more difficult.
Muscle imbalances resulting from undertraining or overuse appear to be a common cause of injury. Most sports and many of our daily activities force us into a position where one side of the body is used more than the other, leading to muscle imbalances. Muscle imbalances cause the body to move incorrectly, resulting in excessive strain on some muscles and joints.
Some studies have noted that a muscle imbalance of greater than 10 percent between the right and left sides of the body increases the risk of injury by 20 times. Training the right and left sides separately using resistance tubing, dumbbells, and unilateral machines, which allow for each limb to move individually, can correct many of these imbalances and decrease your risk of developing chronic injuries and aches. But in general, a full-body weight training program will certainly reduce your risk of injury.
Since many people assume weight training “bulks you up,” it is often neglected, misunderstood, and when finally applied, done incorrectly. Weight training alone will not increase muscle size significantly (known as hypertrophy) unless you are on a program that applies specific techniques and principles for building muscle. This is good news for those looking to use weight training for health reasons but who do not wish to bulk up. Weight training can be used to improve muscular endurance, which tends to produce a more slender look and provide more regularly usable strength for everyday tasks, such as walking or yard work.
If you are interested in improving your sport performance, weight training can improve strength and power, giving you that added edge over your opponents. In any case, everyone should engage in physical activity that includes a weight training program. But again, to see these specific results, your program must be designed to match your goals.
To understand the value of weight training, it is necessary to understand how the body works. The human body is more complex than any machine ever built, and it may be impossible to understand it completely. Over the past 100 years, research has unveiled some pretty cool stuff about the overall benefits of weight training, and we have come to better understand why our bodies increase in size, strength, and power when using external loads for resistance.

Moreover, weight training can help prevent injuries that can be caused by other sports and activities. Whether you are playing a sport or walking on an icy street, injuries can occur at any time. Stronger bones, muscles, joints, and connective tissue will make you more resistant to the acute injuries that occur during falls or during collisions with opponents, but the real benefits of weight training come in the prevention of the chronic shoulder, knee, and back pain that can make everyday life more difficult.
Muscle imbalances resulting from undertraining or overuse appear to be a common cause of injury. Most sports and many of our daily activities force us into a position where one side of the body is used more than the other, leading to muscle imbalances. Muscle imbalances cause the body to move incorrectly, resulting in excessive strain on some muscles and joints.
Some studies have noted that a muscle imbalance of greater than 10 percent between the right and left sides of the body increases the risk of injury by 20 times. Training the right and left sides separately using resistance tubing, dumbbells, and unilateral machines, which allow for each limb to move individually, can correct many of these imbalances and decrease your risk of developing chronic injuries and aches. But in general, a full-body weight training program will certainly reduce your risk of injury.
Since many people assume weight training “bulks you up,” it is often neglected, misunderstood, and when finally applied, done incorrectly. Weight training alone will not increase muscle size significantly (known as hypertrophy) unless you are on a program that applies specific techniques and principles for building muscle. This is good news for those looking to use weight training for health reasons but who do not wish to bulk up. Weight training can be used to improve muscular endurance, which tends to produce a more slender look and provide more regularly usable strength for everyday tasks, such as walking or yard work.
If you are interested in improving your sport performance, weight training can improve strength and power, giving you that added edge over your opponents. In any case, everyone should engage in physical activity that includes a weight training program. But again, to see these specific results, your program must be designed to match your goals.
To understand the value of weight training, it is necessary to understand how the body works. The human body is more complex than any machine ever built, and it may be impossible to understand it completely. Over the past 100 years, research has unveiled some pretty cool stuff about the overall benefits of weight training, and we have come to better understand why our bodies increase in size, strength, and power when using external loads for resistance.
We know that when we weight train, we place a stress on the specific muscle being used, which causes microdamage to the muscle’s internal structures (e.g., the protein filaments myosin, actin, troponin, and tropomyosin). With adequate rest and nutrition, the damage is not only repaired to withstand the same stress but also fortified to battle even greater stresses. This was scientifically proven in the early 1920s when a physician by the name of Hans Selye discovered that all living tissue undergoes a general adaptation process whereby after infection or stress, the cellular activity increases, forming barriers and strengthening surrounding tissue so that it will be able to handle future stress. Whether scientifically understood at the time or not, the principle was applied to training as far back as mid-500 BC by Milo of Crotona, a farmer who lifted a calf every day while it grew to become a full-grown cow.
It is considered the first application of one of our founding exercise principles. In the past few years, we have gained more insight into the tiny details of muscle physiology and have begun to combine laboratory animal research with human practical applications. We have found that muscle responds similarly in everyone, male or female, young or old, and that differences in results between persons are likely due to the type of training applied. Initially, much of the debate over size and strength gains focused on genetics; it is now understood that the specific nature of the training protocol is the most
important factor.
This new information bodes well for all of you who label yourselves “hard gainers.” No matter when you begin your weight training program, you can expect to see remarkable results over time with the right training program. Train hard, train properly, and you will see favorable results. The key is to decide what results you would like to achieve and then set out on your journey so that your destination matches your goals.
To get the specific results you want, you also need a plan and a commitment to working out. Many infomercials would have you believe that you can see results by working out for as little as a few minutes a couple of times per week, but it is not that easy. No you do not have to become an exercise
addict. Neither do you have to make complete life-altering changes. But you do have to make a point of hitting the gym a few times a week for at least 30 minutes. Ideally, though, your workouts will be 60 to 75 minutes, including your warm-up and cool-down. Although you can get results with less, the
best way to achieve success is to do it right. There really is no fast track, but there is a smart track that ensures success in the long run.
The amount of exercise needed to produce results is a hotly debated topic. One of the key ingredients in your exercise prescription is figuring out the right amount so that your body can recover, rebuild, and prepare for the next workout.